Prayer Requests
Contact Rev Anna Branston to send in your prayer requests and our Prayer Group will pray for you regularly.
Your prayer requests will always be kept confidential.
Join the Prayer Group
From November 2023, our Prayer Group will meet monthly on the first Thursday of each month at Moorcourt Chapel. Contact Anna for more details.

Prayers for October 1st 2023
Lord of faith and truth We bless your holy name. Lord, your Kingdom reaches from the heavens embracing the whole of creation.You call your Church to assist with your harvest, schooling people in...

Intercessions Proper 19
Lord of faith and truth We bless your holy name.God of mercy, your love overwhelms us with your generous forgiveness.Open our hearts to extend this charity to all who are penitent.May your Church be...

10th September intercessions. Trinity 14
As we pray let us give thanks to God for all that we have been forgiven.Lord God, thank you for sending us your Son to take away the sin of the world. As we obey thecommandment to love one another...

Prayers for September 3rd 2023
Lord of faith and truth we bless your holy name.Lord Jesus, you shocked your disciples by making them face up to your cross and their own.Give to your Church courage to emulate your sacrificial...

Give thanks to the Lord. Call upon his name.
Jesus, living bread, we come to this meal as your guests.Unite all whom you invite into a closer bodyForgive and heal the divisions of our making.Jesus, living bread, you ensure none go hungry from...