Lord of faith and truth We bless your holy name.
Lord, your Kingdom reaches from the heavens embracing the whole of creation.
You call your Church to assist with your harvest, schooling people in your love
Give us willing hearts, hands, and voices with which to respond to your summons
Lord, you search the secret motives of those called to leadership and reveal
hypocrisy and virtue alike.
Give us courage to scrutinize those who rule and strengthen their integrity.
Lord, you see more fully into our hearts and all that we can become. We thank you
for those who affirm and encourage our growth and development.
Bring us to flourish in the warmth of your regard.
Lord, you know our needs and concerns before we ask. Hear us as we bring before
you all who are ill or in special need Bless them and bring them to rejoice in you.
Lord, there is no darkness that can extinguish your eternal light. In this faith we
entrust to you those who have died
Raise us with them to your eternal Kingdom.