Welcome to the Arrowvale Group of Parishes website
A Message from Rev Anna Branston
My name is Anna, and I am the Rector of our wonderful 6 churches in picturesque North Herefordshire.
I live in Pembridge with my family and Burmese cats, Flora & Ezekiel, and I am kept very busy!
As Rector, I am always very happy to help you with Weddings, Christenings, Baptisms, and Funerals. I am also ready to pray with or for you, whoever you are and wherever you are from.
If you have names that you would like us to remember in prayer or know of people in need who we might be able to help, please call or text 07777 692 458 or email abranston2002@gmail.com
Rev. Anna Branston is on sick leave at the present time. If you want to speak to the Rector please contact the churchwarden of the parish you require who will be able to help you.
Visiting Our Churches
All our churches are open during the day for visitors. You are very welcome to come and see our historic buildings or to take time in these special places for quiet. There are stations in the churches where you can leave prayers if you wish.
Weekly Livestreamed Service
A service is livestreamed on Facebook each week. If you would like to follow the online service, contact Anna for details of how to access it and the Order of Service.
Local Food Banks
There are food bank collections at Pembridge and Lyonshall Churches which we would be grateful if you could contribute to.
Upcoming Services & Events
Click below to view our upcoming Services and Events. A schedule of Services can also be found in the Weekly Pewsheet newsletter.
Weekly Pewsheet
The Pewsheet is a weekly email from Anna containing thoughts, prayers, readings and upcoming services and events.
Prayers & Prayer Group
The latest prayers from Rev Anna, plus find out how to request a prayer, and information about our monthly Prayer Group meeting.
Arrowvale Messenger:
August/September 2024:
Click here or on the image to view/ download the latest copy of the Arrowvale Messenger.
Containing all the latest news and events within the parishes and local communities, a list of upcoming church services, plus local business listings.
If you would like us to consider including anything in the Messenger, please contact malcolmwthompson@btinternet.com
Bishop of Hereford's Weekly Message
Click the button below to go to the Youtube page for Bishop Richard Jackson’s weekly messages (opens in a new tab).
About The Arrowvale Group
The Arrowvale Group of Parishes is made up of 5 parishes with 6 churches in the beautiful rural countryside of Herefordshire.
The group consists of: Pembridge with Moorcourt, Shobdon, Lyonshall, Byton, and Staunton-on-Arrow. Each of the churches has it’s own identity but all are united in wishing to serve God and their communities.
We offer a wide variety of services throughout the year, from weekly Communions and Evening Prayers to services for Easter, Harvest and Christmas. You will find a warm welcome in all of the churches.
Our Churches
Click the pictures or links to find out more about each individual church including about the ministry and parishioners, the building and the history.
You can also find information, resources and updates about each of the local areas.
All Churches are open to the public.
Church and Community News
Easter Sunday Floral Decorations in Pembridge Church.
Good Friday
Palm Sunday in Pembridge.
The Palm Sunday procession and the reading of the Passion.
Useful Links:
- A Church Near You: https://www.achurchnearyou.com/
- The National Churches Trust: https://www.nationalchurchestrust.org/explore
If you have any safeguarding concerns please contact
- Rev. Anna Branston on 07777 692 458, by email to
abranston2002@gmail.com, or at The Rectory, Pembridge, HR6 9EB, or - Dr M Lias, Benefice Safeguarding Officer on 01544 340244 / 07815304318 or
- The Safeguarding Officer at the Hereford Diocesan Office Carl Steventon on 07593817717 or for non urgent matters contact The Diocesan Office on 01432 373000 and ask for the safeguarding team.