The tree has arrived and has been decorated as part of the Light Up Pembridge event. We look forward to seeing you in church over the Christmas period at any of our Advent and Christmas Services or at the Sing Christmas Concert on December 7th 7.30pm - see events page...
Category: Pembridge

Easter Sunday Floral Decorations in Pembridge Church.

Palm Sunday in Pembridge.
The Palm Sunday procession and the reading of the Passion.

Bronwen Lewis in Concert
Friday 5th July, 7.30pm in Pembridge Church Tickets - £20 to include light refreshments We have managed to book Welsh singer/songwriter, Bronwen Lewis, to perform in concert, in Pembridge Church on the evening of Friday 5th July this year. Her warm music style...

Mothering Sunday at Pembridge

Woodcock Craft Fayre 2023.
We had a very successful and enjoyable day on the 18th November with a variety of stallholders showcasing their products and crafts. The footfall was up on that of last year which was very pleasing with the number of stalls and variety of crafts on display giving the...

Cherish our Churchyard
A group of people met on the 14th October to prepare the ground for our wild flower area in front of the belfry. The ground was scarified and all the moss and grass collected before scattering seeds over the area. We are now looking forward to seeing the results of...

History of Pembridge Woodcock Craft Fayre
During the Middle Ages, the Woodcock Fayre was a hiring fair held in November in Pembridge Market Hall and was an important place for agricultural labourers across the country to seek work from landowners. The practice carried on through the 19th and into the...

Easyfundraising – turn your daily shopping into donations to our Churches!
Easyfundraising partners with over 7,000 brands who will donate part of what you spend to a cause of your choice. You don't pay any more on the retailer's website just because you visited via the Easyfundraising page. The cost is covered by the brand. How it works...

St Mary’s Church, Pembridge to receive £10,800 from second round of the Government’s Culture Recovery Fund
Pembridge Church has received a grant of £10,800 from the Government’s £1.57 billion Culture Recovery Fund to help us to recover and reopen after lockdown. Nearly £400 million has been awarded to thousands of cultural organisations across the country, including...