Event Details
THE PEMBRIDGE TAPESTRIES – THE 10TH ANNIVERSARY SINCE THEIR COMPLETION AND EXHIBITION In Pembridge Church we love to celebrate and we’re doing it again! In
Event Details
In Pembridge Church we love to celebrate and we’re doing it again! In 2015 we had an amazing Flower Festival to announce the completion of the 12 tapestries and now after 10 years on exhibition we are inviting you, the people of the parish (and beyond) to come together once again!
We’re delighted that Andy Davies, a local Pembridge resident, has written words and music about each of the twelve tapestries that represent 1000 years of the history of our village. Andy, along with other instrumentalists and a group of singers will be presenting his work on Saturday 8th March in Pembridge Church from 6.00pm until 8.00pm. That the work of local historians and our stitchers from the tapestry group is being presented in this unique way is truly inspiring. It will be an evening for everyone and not to be missed! Wine and refreshments will be on offer!
Since the tapestries were completed the group has also worked on the Pembridge Map, the two Jubilee tapestries, altar frontals for our village school, a tapestry church window (presented to the school) and now our latest piece, a new altar frontal for the Lady Chapel. All of these pieces will be on exhibition in church from 3.00pm until 5.00pm also on 8th March and again refreshments will be available while you are visiting the exhibition.
We look forward to seeing you and celebrating with us.
Gill Smith
PS – tickets for the evening event will be £5 with children free
Available through the QR code on the posters or from Gill – 01544388441 ianandgillian@googlemail.com or Meryl – 01544329760 merylgriffith@gmail.com
or follow this link https://buytickets.at/pembridgeparochialchurchcouncil/1531677
08/03/2025 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT+00:00)